miercuri, 14 octombrie 2009

marți, 28 aprilie 2009

Préparation un chat

  • abonner à www.myeurope.org
  • enregistrement à chat
  • formation sur le sujet: lire des articles et des interviews sur le sujet pour poser des questions
La façon de participer à une session de chat:
  • acceder à un lien http://www.springday2009.net/eunchat/v1.0/chat_springday.htm
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  • prêter attention à l'heure de participation
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  • entrer sur le chat:me présente, je pose des questions, j'attends les réponses

marți, 21 aprilie 2009

Cartea postala

Commenius means: friendship, exchange of experience and the right to own opinion.

Mon livre préféré

Harry Potter est ma livre préféré

Elle l'a écrit pendant l'année 2005. L'écrivain est anglaise et elle a écrit six livres sur l'histoire du jeune magicien, qui s'appellent:
1. "Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal",
2."Harry Potter y la Cámara Secreta",
3."Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkabán",
4. "HarryPotter y el Cáliz del Fuego"
5."Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte".
Les personnages principaux de ce livre si merveilleux sont:
- Harry Potter, qui est un magicien très courageux et il a une cicatrice dans le front. - Hermione Granger, qui est une magicienne très intelligente et elle a un obsession avec les règles du collège. - Ron Weasley, qui est le meilleur ami de Harry et Hermione; il est assez effrayant et déteste les araignées. - Albus Dumbledore, est le proviseur du collége; il est un homme très sensé et un magicien assez puissant. - Severus Snape, est un prof qui appartient à un club trop malicieux et pervers. - Lord Voldemort, est l'ennemi de Harry Potter; il prètend le tuer, puisque, il éspère recupèrer, de cette manière sa puissance.

miercuri, 25 martie 2009

My favorite book

Publisher: Rao
Collection: Vampires Chronicles
Year: 2006
ISBN: 973-576-934-4
Number of pages: 382
Language: romana
Dimensions: 11 x 18 cm

I think the interview with a vampire is a book about life. About us unknown. About the monster hidden in each of us, about the cruelty and solitude of us. What we be able to do to get what we want.
Interview with a vampire, has been and remains a book about people, about human beings and about their souls.

vineri, 20 martie 2009

Mon film préféré

Réalisateur: Neil Jordan

Dans les rôles principaux: Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise

A été presque un an depuis Louis (Brad Pitt), un propriétaire de plantations, et a perdu sa femme. Maintenant, il a perdu la volonté de vivre.
Lestat (Tom Cruise), un mystérieux vampire, il aime Louis et donne quot une chance quot; de devenir une créature des ténèbres et la nuit: un vampire. Louis accepter Lestat et d'apprendre de la façon de devenir un vampire. Louis , mais son aversion pour la vie et refusent de véritablement devenu un vampire.

Mon film préféré est le film a changé, mais mon enfance a été "Entretien avec un vampire", alors q'en fait, il a laissé tomber le livre dans la main je l'ai lu sans me séjour un moment jusqu'à ce que je finis,... Je recommande à vous aussi, ceux qui ont aimé ce film ... Cronicele Vampires par Anne Rice ...;) trouver
ez ici un thème universel entre les bons et les mauvais et il y a des références à la religion .. et ce film m'a vraiment dans les pensées de manière ma première place est Entretien avec un vampire:)
Si vous voulez voir un vrai film qui vous laisse penser longtemps après que vous avez vu le choix: "Entretien avec un Vampire":);)

miercuri, 18 martie 2009

Church Barboi

The old walls of the fortress sanctum prayer, the church over centuries Barboi remains one of Orthodox symbol of Iasi. Sturdzestilor founded with the patron Saint Apostles Peter and Paul was built between 1841-1843, and is the architect Andrei Caridi helpe d by mest er ii Atan asie and George.

Current church was b
uilt on the foundation of the basement of a church dating from 1615 (Holy Frid ay), built by John Bear vornicul Barboi. Old church in 1669 is transformed into a monastery and is dedicated to Vato
pedi monastery Mount Athos.
In 1821 the church was seriously damaged and then demolished in 1829. In place of the old churches, between 1841-1843, logofatul Dimitrie Sturdza and family members with the financial support of the monastery and pains

Vatopedi Metropolitan Gregor y Irinupoleos built the current church.The church is builtin rectangular, blocks of stone with alternating rows of brick, with small semicircular apses, shorter than the height of the walls, flanked with prismatic pillars, supported on socket.
Church's spacious interior is composed of 3 ships a lateral central and 2 separated by columns of marble Carare that the upper part capiteluri style Corinth.

marți, 17 februarie 2009

Integration dans mon ecole

1.Pourquoi as-tu choisi de venir dans cette école?
2.Tu es venu seul(e)ou tu as des frères?
3.Tes parents ont été d’accord quand tu as décidé de venir dans cette école?
4.Les professeurs ont fait des descriminations entre toi et les autres élèves?
5.Est-ce-qu’il a des problèmes en ce qui concerne les camarades?
6.La langue roumanie est-elle un probleme pour toi?
7.Il y a des defferences entre l’école roumanie et l’école de Moldavie?
8.Quels sont tes projects pour le future?
9.Quand tu es venu dans cette école tu a cru que tu n’avais pas d’amis?
10.Comment tut e sens quand tu sais que la famille est trés loin et tu es ici parmi les ètrangers?
11.Tu penses que tu es bien integré dans l’École Normale?

marți, 20 ianuarie 2009

Barboi Church


The current church was raised on the foundation of a church built in 1613-15, dedicated to Saint Paraschiva and commissioned by the vornic Ioan Ursu Bărboi. In 1669 this church became a monastery under the authority of Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos. The church was seriously damaged in 1821 and demolished in 1829. Between 1841 and 1843, the logofăt Dimitrie Sturdza and his family members, with financial assistance from Vatopedi and the efforts of Metropolitan Grigore Irinopoleos, had the current church built on the site of the old one. The architect Andrei Caridi was assisted by the Greek master builders Atanasie and Gheorghe. The resulting church resembles certain Athonite buildings in form and dimension, and is the city's only church in the shape of a Greek cross.

The church was shaken by the 1977 earthquake, and from 1980-88, the exterior was restored and the interior paintings and furnishings cleaned. Metropolitan Teoctist Arăpaşu began this project, and on 27 November 1988, by then Patriarch of All Romania, he re-consecrated the church.

Today, in addition to hosting religious services, the church is the headquarters of the local branch of the Romanian Orthodox Women's Societyand of the Romanian Orthodox Brotherhood; the latter undertakes philanthropic and cultural activities. Art exhibitions, awards ceremonies, book signings and similar activities take place on the premises. Moreover, every Lazarus Saturday since 1990, thousands of pilgrims have gathered at the church, carrying icons of Christ and making their way toward the Metropolitan Cathedra.


The church is rectangular in plan and made of valuable stone blocks alternating with rows of brick. To the east, north and south, there are small semicircular apses beneath the top of the walls, flanked by pilasters that rest on bases. The wide central dome, with Neo-Ghotic and Romanesq elements, sits above a square base, and is surrounded by four much smaller domes with octagonal bases.The main entrance features an imposing potral held up by eight Doric columns.Above this is a classical facade that also features Doric columns.

The church's spacious Byzantine interior is composed of three naves: a central one and two lateral ones, divided by columns of Carrar marble topped by Corinthian capitals. Looking inside, a harmony of arches can be observed: each pair of columns is linked by two or even four arches in perfect symmetry.The iconostasis is carved from wood and gilt.The walls are covered in paintings of saints (including military ones), Biblical scenes, the Madonna and Child and the Four Evangelists.

An inscribed tablet records various phases in the church's history. Inside is the crypt of the noble Sturdza family (which includes the grave of Prince Ioan Sturdza), bathed in candlelight, next to that the poet Alecu Russo. The Bărboi Church is also where writer Ion Creangă served as deacon and lived in the parish house from 1863-65.

The bell tower, built in 1726-33 by masons from Padua,has four levels; clocks rest in the uppermost one (uniquely for the city)and bells in the middle two. The lowest level has an exterior of quality stone, well worked and preserved; the other levels have a plaster exterior. It is through the lowest level that one enters the church grounds; the gate is made of decorated cast iron.The tower once contained the library of the writer Costache Conachi.

The 19th century parish house is based on traditional Moldavian monastic houses. It has two floors and a simple plan, with rooms arranged symmetrically about a central hallway. Starting in 1834, it housed Moldavia's first girls' school, founded by Mihail Sturdza.

Biserica Barboi

Biserica Bărboi

Biserica Bărboi a fost construită între anii 1841-1843, şi este opera arhitectuluiAndrei Caridi, ajutat de către meşterii Atanasie si Gheorghe, greci din Sisani, pe fundaţia unei biserici datând din1615. (Sfânta Vineri) construită de vornicul Ioan Ursu Barboi.


Interiorul bizantin al bisericii a fost construit din piatră şi cărămidă. Porticul, susţinut de coloane dorice este realizat în stil clasic, în timp ce turla prezintă elemente romanice neogotice. Datorită formei şi dimensiunilor ei, Biserica Bărboi este replica moldovenească a unor edificii similare de pe Muntele Athos. Biserica - are planul în formă de cruce greacă dupa modelul celor de la Muntele Athos. Are o formă dreptunghiulară cu abside mici la E, N şi S. Intrarea principală este marcată de un portal impozant susţinut pe 6 coloane din piatră cu capiteluri dorice. Biserica are o turlă centrală cu deschidere mare ce se dezvoltă pe o bază pătrată. Turla centrală este încadrată de 4 turle cu deschidere mult mai mică şi care au baze octagonale. Parametrul exterior al bisericii este compus dintr-o alternanţă de blocuri de piatră de talie şi şiruri de carămidă. Interiorul bisericii spaţios este compus din 3 nave una centrală şi 2 laterale desparţite prin coloane de marmură de Carara care au la partea superioară capiteluri în stil Corintic. Turnul clopotniţă are 4 niveluri care se retrag succesiv până la ultimul nivel care este locul unui ceas. Primul nivel are zidaria din piatră de talie bine lucrată pastrată aparent, celelalte niveluri au exteriorul tencuit. Acest prim nivel este şi locul prin care se intră în ansamblul mănăstirii. Poarta este realizată din fier forjat decorat. Nivelul doi şi trei al turnului

adăpostesc clopotele iar al patrulea ceasul. Arhitectura acestui turn este cu totul deosebită faţă de cea a tuturor celorlalte turnuri care marchează intrarea într-un ansamblu mânăstiresc. Casa parohială reproduce modelul caselor tradiţionale din mânăstirile Moldovei. Are parter şi etaj şi un plan simplu compus din încăperi dispuse simetric în jurul unui hol central.
Biserica Bărboi are hramul Sfinţii Apostoli Petru şi Pavel.

Draga Mos Craciun,

Ma numesc Alexandra Cretu si sunt in clasa a 11 a A.De mica imi plac foarte mult sarbarorile de iarna....dar mai ales venirea lui Mos Craciun...In fiecare an vii si sunt foarte fericita. Este cea mai frumoasa sarbatoare din an, cu multe bucurii, fara tristete si binenteles cu multe cadouri.
Chiar daca nu ti-am scris niciodata, in fiecare an mi-am dorit acelasi lucru. In fiecare an, in fiecare zi, in fiecare ceas, in fiecare clipa imi doresc neincetat acelasi si acelasi lucru.
Imi doresc sa am puterea sa cred in imposibil, imi doresc sa am senzatia ca pot cuprinde marea dintr-o privire, imi doresc sa pot urca muntii si sa am puterea sa o iau de la capat, sa intind bratele spre cer si atunci cand le inchid sa cred ca am cuprins Universul, sa prind un fulg de nea si sa-l daruiesc, in toata splendoarea lui, cuiva drag, sa adun picaturi de ploaie si sa-mi fac din ele colier.